Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Big Sister!

            I should have started a Lily blog two years ago! I feel I have already forgotten so many of the precious details! It is hard to believe that she is 2! Lily is quite an amazing little girl! She has been in gymnastics since she could walk and has done amazing.  Just recently she has moved up to the 2-3 year old class.  I was nervous about her ability to follow directions but she did awesome! After a few minutes of adjusting to the new class she followed directions and waited her turn for the trampoline!All the other moms said that they were amazed because their kids were 6 months older than Lily and she was listening better in some areas! I was a proud mom!
        I started potty training Lily at 20 months and never looked back! She still has her moments but overall she has amazed me (and many others)!  I have not bought any diapers in over 5 months!  I am a firm believer that pull-ups are a waste of money and only confuse the child! Imagine trying to buy panties for a 20 month old who is already tiny! Everything was falling off of her (and still is!). I am not saying she is perfect! She still has her moments...that is the downfall of potty training early.  But, I can wash undies, and save money on we are still happy with the choice to potty train early! She is the only kid in her class that does not wear pull-ups and she is the youngest! So, that is also...another proud moment for us!
              She is a non-stop talking machine! She likes to say things like, "Mommy, I did it", "Mommy, it's wet outside", "Daddy go bye bye...he at beach", "B, I want juice, please", "I pee pee on potty", "i don't like it...eww nasty", "I hokey pokey elmo, mommy" and many other things! She is full of personality and knows for a fact that she is funny! She is trying to sing her ABC's but can't get past "D" for some reason.  We are working on it! She loves to count with long as I am doing it and she uses her hand to point as I count....but when she's "1,2...1,2..." There was one time when she would say 1...and I would say 2...and then she said 3...and I said 4...and we did that up to number 8...but that was one time and never repeated!
            She loves to swim! She is a FISH! She jumps in without fear! She will climb in and out on the side ladder and will swim (sort of) to the steps in the shallow end.  She loves to be outside! That is her place of peace.  If you take her outside to play she will be your best friend! She can hit a tee ball, she tries to catch, she can climb ladders, she will jump, walk backwards, she has a pretty good arm when it comes to throwing, and she loves animals (like mommy)! She loves her trike and she loves to go for walks.So many things to do with Lily outside that it is hard to list them all! She loves sidewalk..that is where we practice our colors and alphabet.
            Lily is starting to get excited about being a Big Sister.  She was in the room when we found out what we were having.  She was concerned that the lady was hurting my belly.  She talks about the baby, plays with her dolls, and she kisses my belly.  She is still too young to fully understand that in 20 weeks she will have to "share mommy".  She has an issue with that already....she says "my mommy" a lot and gets possessive.
             Lily has brought so much joy to my life and I look forward to experiencing a sweet baby boy! I just hope that I don't get overwhelmed...

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