Friday, December 30, 2011

So many Doctors....So little time!

The other night I decided it was time to read my last blog entry and start blogging again.  I sat down and started to read the words that I wrote and tears started to roll down my face.  Did I really write those words? The sequence of events were so unexpected and it all happened so fast and then the days...they felt like forever yet they flew right on past.  All the days were running together and I could not focus.  I am not sure how I wrote a 12 page paper in 2 hours.  I am not sure how I managed to hold it together for Lily and pump all day and night for Preston while he lay helpless in the NICU.  I am not sure how I was even able to concentrate enough to drive because I was sleep deprived from sitting up all night with Preston and hanging out with Lily during the day.  Yet, that all too well known phrase, "God never gives you more than you can handle" was screaming in my ear if I ever questioned why this happened to us.  Preston is a fighter and came home after 16 days in the NICU.  I can tell you that 16 days doesn't really sound like a very long time...but it feels like forever when you sweet little boy is laying helpless and fighting off a virus in the intensive care unit. 

Preston was born on Novemer 13, 2011 weighing in at 5 pounds and 15 ounces.  He was in such distress that he had a bowel movement while in utero and was swimming in his meconium.  When he was born he was stained from head to toe..he looked awful.  He was born with CMV, Pulmonary Hypertension, he had a thickened heart muscle, Pneumonia, and he had petechiae all over his body (busted blood vessels that look like a rash)

It is amazing that in 16 days this small miracle overcame all of these obstacles! Preston has amazed us all.  The CMV can possibly create vision, hearing or development issues as he gets older.  As of now he has passed his hearing test, his Brain Ultrasound came back normal, and the Optometrist said that he does not have any signs of CMV Retinitis which is great! The Cardiologist said that his heart muscle has decreased in size and that the Pulmonary Hypertension is completely gone! He suspects that the heart muscle will be completely normal by the time Preston is 6 months old! I know that God listed to all of our prayers and I thank you all for praying for our family! 

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth i think u are an absolutely amazing women/mother!! You've held yourself and your family together regardless of the situation. Your so strong and i envy the strength and fight you have in you!! Don't let anything get you down cause God is obviously on your side and you love, deserve it!!! praying and thinking of you always!
