Tuesday, May 7, 2013

CytoMegaloVirus VS. Preston Wayne Sisk

CMV took the first punch before Preston was able to take his first breath (cheater!). Ever since...Preston has been kicking and punching his way through life. We feel very fortunate that Preston is only showing mild complications in comparison to others who were born with CMV. As I have stated previously, Preston is behind with his Gross Motor Skills. He is doing well cognitively and is a social butterfly. He is not talking like we would like and will be adding Speech Therapy to his long list of interventions. We just found out two Fridays ago that Preston is showing signs of Bilateral Hearing loss. The loss is minimal but since he is so young and learning to talk and has the CMV which increases his risk...he will be fitted for hearing aids on May 24th. This comes as a shock even though we were expecting this to happen at some point. Preston can hear us. He hears our conversations. He responds to us. But, there are certain things that he can not hear. The way the doctor describe it was this: He can hear us say, "House" but the "s" may not be as clear to him. With him learning to talk we have to be proactive and try and help him hear everything in hopes that it won't affect his speech. Today we went to the Cardiologist. The thickening seems to have decreased or stayed the same as the heart has grown. This is good news. The only issue is this: Preston would not sit still for the ultrasound and they were not able to get a good picture of the bottom half of his heart. So, we will follow up in 6 months and see if we can get a better picture. The cardiologist was amazing and he was PRO Parent. Some doctors are so rude. I am grateful that we have met some amazing doctors and nurses along the way. He agreed that we deserved to know what was going on and WHY. He said that he was going to talk to a Neurologist and make sure that we were not missing anything. He made me feel that he cared. He was thorough and did not rush through the visit. That was refreshing. Preston is such a happy boy and we appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers. He is lucky to have a strong support system.

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