Friday, July 10, 2015

Essential Oils: Preston's Magic

We are currently using Young Living Essential Oils. They have their Seed to Seal process which guarantees you will never ingest a synthetically made oil or filler. Their oils are 100% therapeutic grade. The FDA only requires for an oil to contain 5% essential oil to be labeled 100% therapeutic grade. Young Living never adds filler. The only time there is a carrier oil is when it is diluted for a roll on, children, or animals. Otherwise, the oils for the bottles are all oil. Preston has been using Lavender, Cedarwood, Frankincense, and Thieves oil. This has stopped his monthly PFAPA symptoms in it's tracks. We have been 3.5 months sickness free. He was sick every month for 9 months on the 27th of the month. We started oils and I will never stop! If you want to give it a try my Distributor # is: 2775735

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