Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lab Horror

Okay, maybe the title is a little dramatic! I had to take Preston to get his blood drawn and he had to be stuck twice.  My poor little boy was screaming and hollering and his sister was very concerned about the "holes" the nurse was putting on her brother! The nurse had to call in another nurse to help her because his veins were so small.  It was the longest 20 minutes I have experienced in a while. I have become numb to these experiences and I dealt with it well.  We had lunch in the cafeteria and visited the NICU nurses.  It was like a flash back.  When we first got to the hospital Lily said, "This is where Preston lived".  She then proceeded to tell me stories about Preston and the other sick babies! I am shocked that she remembers so vividly!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing little girl Lily is!! But I wouldn't expect anything less... her mom is pretty amazing too! I'm so sorry Preston & the rest of you are having to go thru all of this. Sending prayers your way sweetie! Love you guys! <3
