Sunday, December 2, 2012

Preston's First Birthday Party

Here is a link to some of Preston's First Birthday pictures. SOCK MONKEY

Monday, October 29, 2012

Lily's Soccer Team

Lily's 2012 Tar Heel Soccer Team! Jeremy and I had a great time coaching and watching the kids have fun. Lily wasn't a huge fan. As the last game was being played she actually went out on the field and ran toward the ball. She met some great kids and I hope that we can have play dates with them in the future.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 2012

Preston: In June we took Preston in to get tubes in his ears. Within two weeks of having the tubes he has started babbling more and is started to move around a lot more. It is now August and Preston is doing an army crawl and rolling to get where he wants to go. His therapist has suggested that we get him tested for Cerebral Palsy (CP). The therapist wants to rule out all the possible reasons why he is delayed in pulling himself up, sitting up, and crawling. He also has a hard time bearing weight in his legs and keeping his legs straight. Due to his issues with bearing weight in his legs he now has a "stander". I will post pictures of Preston in his stander in the next post. We have an appointment for him to get test for CP on October 26th. We get to see a CMV specialist on August 22nd. We have to travel to the Levine's Specialty Center in CLT. Preston seems to be on track with his mental development. He is picking things up to feed himself, playing with toys, looking for toys that he drops, and he moves toward things that he wants. He doesn't talk as much as he should but I feel that is because he couldn't hear clearly for 6 months. Now that he has the tubes he is doing much better. Lily: Lily is a non-stop talking machine. She is very expressive and animated in her story telling. She loves to sing, dance, read, practice her writing, play doctor, and entertain her brother. I have never seen a child love their younger sibling as much as Lily loves Preston. She dances for him, sings to him, reads to him, kisses him, and always says, "it's okay, boogers". She is possibly about to start back to preschool in September. Lily loves to learn and she misses going to school and being with other kids her age. I try so hard to keep her socialized. We go to the library, park, science center and have many play dates. I will miss her during her hours at school but I know that this is something that she needs. This summer we have spent a lot of time with kids her age and older. The older kids have allowed her to learn more and I love that! We did science experiments and went to the pool a TON this summer. Lily is growing up so fast and it is hard for me to believe that she will be in school in two years. Liz (Me): I have had a very hard time deciding what to do with my future. I have been unemployed for a year and two months. I have never been unemployed for this long. I have worked since I was 15 years old. I find pride in the work that I do. Over the past year I have been trying to start Wise Owl Family Care. I have had many part-time and drop-in clients but now that kids are going back in school I am left to make a hard decision. I want to stay home to be with Preston and Lily. I feel that I will never get these young years back. Also, Preston's therapist said that it would be best for Preston if I stayed home to help him. I am started to run out of savings and I do not know what to do. I know that I will figure it out, I always do. I have to make the decisions that are best for my children and myself.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Little Lily and Piggy Preston!

Over the past 2 months Preston has been eating store bought baby food. Piggy Preston eats 2-3 containers of food at each sitting! This adds up! I started to experiment with making his baby food to see if it is more affordable and it seems to be the cheaper way out. When Lily was little she would eat one container of food and that was it! This is all new to me....a little piggy at the dinner table! :) So far I have made him bananas, apples and blueberries, oatmeal and blueberries, and chicken with carrots and apples. The chicken is actually good if you can get past the puree feeling! I am not doing this because I am a "crunchy" mom! I will never claim to be that. I am not saying it is wrong or is just not me. I am doing this because I am a stay at home mom who is trying to save a few dollars so that we can continue to have mommy at home while Preston works on overcoming his possible delays due to CMV.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Outdoor fun! (2012)

 Working on riding her scooter!

 Now, working on the tricycle~
 Don't you love the hair? :)

 Preston loves to be outside!
 Lily loved to watch Blaine at his soccer games!

 He is pretty awesome!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Uncle Cody's Birthday

This week has been fun for us! I have spent Monday and Tuesday with the kids, Grandma Barbie, Uncle Cody, and Uncle Ricky.  Today we celebrated Cody's 10th birthday! It is hard for me to believe that he is already 10! I remember him being born ( I was in the 17...BEST birth control EVER)! I cut the umbilical cord and everything! I feel old now.  In 5 days Lily will be 3 and I think I am in denial.  I have not bought a single thing. I usually have the party planned out for months! I usually buy things months ahead of time.  Nope, not this year.  I have bought NOTHING! Keeping it Simple.  We are taking Lily to a Brave's game, the Atlanta Aquarium, and Coca-Cola World in Atlanta...I think that will make up for the lack of decorations! She won't remember that there were not cute little straws...but she will remember walking through the tunnel at the aquarium! Preston was mighty fussy tonight.  He has been pulling at his ears.  Odd.  Because he is on antibiotics for an ear infection.  Has been on the antibiotic for 6 days! I hope he gets to feeling better soon!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Water Babies

We have been having a great time with the water table, kiddie pool, and the apartment pool.  We spent most of our day outside with water! Preston is still getting used to it and Lily LOVES it.  Preston was not a fan of the pool because it is still a little chilly.  We only stuck his toes in the water while we were there. Lily on the other hand was jumping and splashing every where.  The kids love being outside and this gives me a chance to get a tan! Here are some pictures!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Beach Babe and the King of Ear Infections

Lily returns from her week long beach trip with her daddy tomorrow! I can not wait to see her! I was able to hear her voice every night and sometimes they would surprise me and call me in the morning as well.  She asked "WHY" to everything when she called tonight.  I can not wait till I can give her a hug! I am hoping to have fun with her in the pool tomorrow or maybe go to the park.

Preston has another ear infection.  This will make 6 in 6 months and that does not count both ears when he had double ear infections. His surgery is scheduled and is coordinated so that he only has to be under anesthesia once for his 2 surgeries.  He will be getting his urology surgery and his tubes in.  I am hopeful that this will help his ear infections.  I am praying that his heart does not have a bad reaction to the anesthesia. The Cardiologist gave us the clear so I am hoping that he is okay....that does not stop me from worrying!

Preston has been doing great in his Occupational and Play therapy.  He has been sitting up with minimal assistance!

We are taking Lily to a Braves game at the end of June.  We are also going to visit the aquarium and Coca-Cola place.  I am very excited as well:)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Update regarding Preston's ears...

Today we traveled to the SouthPark Campus of CEENTA (Carolina Ear Eye Nose and Throat Associates).  The kids did pretty spectacular considering this was Day Five of Appointment Week in our house! Dr. Mair was an amazing and informative Doctor who is wonderful with his young patients.  He was very informative about what was going on with Preston's ears and even showed me in pictures and took the time to explain how it can easily be confused by a Pediatrician.  Preston has fluid that is constantly just sitting in the back of his ear drum.  This is causing the frequent ear infections and is possibly the reason why he is slightly delayed in his Social/Personal skills.  I did not mention this delay when I was discussing his 6 month check-up because I am slightly devastated.  If you know me personally you know that I pride myself on being very involved with my children and doing all that I can to teach them through play.  I took this delay as a personal failure.  Yes, even though I am fully aware of the fact that it is most likely due to all of his complications....I still took it personally...imagine that :) Dr. Mair explained to me that the sounds that Preston is hearing are more than likely "dulled" due to the fluid. Basically, Preston is not getting the full range of tones that he should.  This is causing him to not be able to mimic the different sounds that we make.  He does make noises but they are just squeals of happiness.  Hopefully, we caught this early enough that we will not see any delays in his speech.  They are going to coordinate with the Urologist as soon as possible and we will be on the road to a happier, healthier, more talkative baby!