Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Uncle Cody's Birthday

This week has been fun for us! I have spent Monday and Tuesday with the kids, Grandma Barbie, Uncle Cody, and Uncle Ricky.  Today we celebrated Cody's 10th birthday! It is hard for me to believe that he is already 10! I remember him being born ( I was in the room...at 17...BEST birth control EVER)! I cut the umbilical cord and everything! I feel old now.  In 5 days Lily will be 3 and I think I am in denial.  I have not bought a single thing. I usually have the party planned out for months! I usually buy things months ahead of time.  Nope, not this year.  I have bought NOTHING! Keeping it Simple.  We are taking Lily to a Brave's game, the Atlanta Aquarium, and Coca-Cola World in Atlanta...I think that will make up for the lack of decorations! She won't remember that there were not cute little straws...but she will remember walking through the tunnel at the aquarium! Preston was mighty fussy tonight.  He has been pulling at his ears.  Odd.  Because he is on antibiotics for an ear infection.  Has been on the antibiotic for 6 days! I hope he gets to feeling better soon!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Water Babies

We have been having a great time with the water table, kiddie pool, and the apartment pool.  We spent most of our day outside with water! Preston is still getting used to it and Lily LOVES it.  Preston was not a fan of the pool because it is still a little chilly.  We only stuck his toes in the water while we were there. Lily on the other hand was jumping and splashing every where.  The kids love being outside and this gives me a chance to get a tan! Here are some pictures!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Beach Babe and the King of Ear Infections

Lily returns from her week long beach trip with her daddy tomorrow! I can not wait to see her! I was able to hear her voice every night and sometimes they would surprise me and call me in the morning as well.  She asked "WHY" to everything when she called tonight.  I can not wait till I can give her a hug! I am hoping to have fun with her in the pool tomorrow or maybe go to the park.

Preston has another ear infection.  This will make 6 in 6 months and that does not count both ears when he had double ear infections. His surgery is scheduled and is coordinated so that he only has to be under anesthesia once for his 2 surgeries.  He will be getting his urology surgery and his tubes in.  I am hopeful that this will help his ear infections.  I am praying that his heart does not have a bad reaction to the anesthesia. The Cardiologist gave us the clear so I am hoping that he is okay....that does not stop me from worrying!

Preston has been doing great in his Occupational and Play therapy.  He has been sitting up with minimal assistance!

We are taking Lily to a Braves game at the end of June.  We are also going to visit the aquarium and Coca-Cola place.  I am very excited as well:)