Sunday, February 12, 2012

Devil Mommy

Well, I feel like an ass for complaining! But, luckily despite the long and weary nights I was able to see straight and see the blood in his poop.  Turns out my baby is not the devil.  He has a milk protein allergy and needed to be put on special formula! I can NOT describe to you the difference in my child.  He is completely and totally happy, calm, comfortable, and just plain adorable! He was adorable before...but now that he is amazingly wonderful...I think he is even more adorable! He has gotten rid of the ear infection, has developed thrush, and has a milk protein allergy....on top of all the issues he had when he was born! Poor guy has had a tough first 3 months of life! I am glad that the future is looking much better for him!

Lily is such an amazing big sister.  She is so loving and helpful.  I am very grateful that she is so willing to help.  She is my little spitting image.  She does everything just like me and it is hilarious! We are all now happier because Preston is happier! Life is good.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Devil Baby

I love my children...but I am about to complain about the screaming if you think this is TABOO...then don't read the damn thing! So, my sweet devil baby has had two ear infections in the past 3 weeks.  We have been on antibiotics for about a week now and he has developed red ass which I am assuming is from a yeast infection caused from the antibiotics.  We are using his Nystatin and it has cleared up.  He has become pretty high maintenance and I am growing very tired.  Sleepless nights are starting to wear me down.  Preston is very different than Lily was.  Now, Lily was NOT perfect but she slept! Lily was like Preston in the sense that she liked to be held for a while in order to go to sleep.  Preston needs you to hold him for OVER an hour.  He will NOT cry it out like some babies...he is short tempered and will not stop crying.  I believe he will be the baby that will pass out from holding his breath when he gets older! I know, this too shall pass and he won't always want me to hold him.  Also, I know that when he was born I was terrified he wouldn't make it and now I am complaining....well, sorry.  You run off of 2 hours of sleep and hear screaming almost 24 hours and day and tell me that you won't be upset.  This is the reality of parenthood.  It can suck sometimes.  But, it's the moments that they look into your eyes and smile that make it all worth it! Preston fought sleep last night...but once he fell asleep he did well.  I hope that today is better than yesterday. Yesterday was very rough and I almost cried a few times. I am grateful that I was able to get out and walk otherwise I would have went insane.  I think that I need some adult time.  Like a day.  I am done complaining:) Preston is sleeping so I am going to take a shower IN PEACE! Oh, just in case it doesn't SOUND like I love my kids...I do.  I love them VERY MUCH.  Don't judge me! This blog is for me to deal with my stress and to let my family and friends see what is going on in our lives.  It's not always butterflies and lollipops.  Sometimes, I want to scream.  This is how I deal with those times!