Friday, May 11, 2012

May 2012

Well, it has been a VERY long time since I have last posted! Life with two is a lot more complex than I ever imagined.  At the moment I am a stay at home mom and it is mind blowing that I NEVER get anything done, I am always dressed like a bum, and I am exhausted at 8pm! How does this happen? I know! I RUN around like a mad woman all day trying to keep my two little ones happy.  Preston has had a battle with ear infections. This Sunday he will be 6 months old and so far he has had 5 ear infections in 5 months.  Right now he is on antibiotics for an ear infection and has an appointment to get tubes this month.  Poor Preston has not gone 3 weeks without experiencing some type of pain.  He had a double ear infection and RSV 3 weeks ago.  The ear infections were so bad that the antibiotic did not kick in for 3 days and he screamed all day and night.  When I took him back because there was not an improvement they tested him for RSV and it came back positive.  It has been quite a road for Preston.  I do know that he is better off than most of the kids that contract CMV in utero but it is still such a different life in comparison to when Lily was a baby.  Preston is finally the happy baby that he deserves to be.  He finally smiles all of the time and "talks" to you when you talk to him.  He went to Baptist last Thursday for his Audiology appointment.  He passed all of his test and they did an additional test to check fluid in his ears because of the number of ear infections.  The results showed some fluid in his ear...and sure enough.....2 days later he started waking at night in pain...and had a confirmed ear infection 4 days later.  He goes to the Cardiologist in 2 weeks to be cleared for surgery by Urology and the ENT for tubes.  I was proactive about his stress to his heart and am in the process of coordinating both surgeries at the same time so that he only has to be put to sleep once.  I don't want to risk anything because he had the pulmonary hypertension and still has the thickened heart muscle. I hope that he will be cleared by cardiology for the thickened heart muscle. Preston still has therapy twice a week.  They say that he is doing wonderful and that he dodged a bullet.  He rolled over at 16 weeks and he sits supported.  He had head lag but he has greatly increased his strength in his neck this past month.  His core and legs are getting much stronger.  Lily is a nonstop talking machine.  She is getting so big so fast and it amazes me everyday that she watches me and copies everything that I do.  (Must be careful of what I do/say) She is going to be three soon and I can not believe it.  Where did the time go? We are having an Ice Cream Sundae Party and swimming in the Pool.  Nothing fancy just simple and fun.  We are heading to the beach....Preston is staying with his Grandparents.  It is going to be fun to enjoy Lily at this age and not have to worry about Preston ....he is so little that he would have to be held at all times.  I will miss him dearly though! I also think that it is a much needed and deserved break! I am so grateful that Brandon's parents offered to keep him.  I hope that we can FaceTime with Wayne so I can see him everyday! When we get back we have 3 appointmens and then the last week of May are his surgeries and my Mom's surgery.  I pray for healthy healing!

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