Saturday, January 12, 2013

Early Intervention

I can not stress enough how important Early Intervention has been for our family. I have become involved with the Local Interagency Coordinating Council (L.I.C.C.). In the time that I have been involved I have been a part of starting up a FaceBook Page and a Blog. When Preston was born with CMV and we were rushed into a frenzy of appointments once he left the hospital...I felt so overwhelmed and alone. When I finally gained my bearings and got everything straight I felt the need to become involved with the Community. If I can help one family feel less stressed...I feel that I have accomplished enough. I have been blessed to find a wonderful job as a Community Based Rehabilitative Service Provider with Little Angels Therapy. By doing this work I have received a lot of training, I have met wonderful people, and I have learned that I am my son's best advocate. One of the most important things that I have learned is that I am not alone. There are so many professionals our here that have a heart of gold and want to help. Reach out. Below are some links that I feel may be helpful to parents and professionals: FSN/HOPE CDSA L.I.C.C. L.I.C.C. Blog Milestones Have a great day! -Liz

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