Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Prince and the Raisin

Today my prince decided that it would be a great idea to stick a yogurt covered raisin UP his nose! We tried tweezers, toothpicks, and even the suction bulb. Nothing worked and all he would do was scream and then suck it up further in his nose. So, we called the doctor on call and she stated that we could wait but it was a risk that he would aspirate. Well, Preston already has a chance of aspiration with his dysphagia so I was not taking that risk. So, we go to the ER and guess was amazing. All you have to do is hold the nostril shut that does not have the foreign object and then blow into their mouth like you are giving CPR! And guess what! That yogurt covered raisin flew out of his nose, covered in boogers, and hit me right on the cheek! Gross, yes! But, I was astonished at the ease of it. HELLO! Why did we not think of that while we were at home. After feeling slightly dumb we went home with a happy little boy. He said,"I won't put in my nose again". Oh, my sweet little 3 year old boy. He is giving me grey hairs each day!

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