Friday, December 30, 2011

So many Doctors....So little time!

The other night I decided it was time to read my last blog entry and start blogging again.  I sat down and started to read the words that I wrote and tears started to roll down my face.  Did I really write those words? The sequence of events were so unexpected and it all happened so fast and then the days...they felt like forever yet they flew right on past.  All the days were running together and I could not focus.  I am not sure how I wrote a 12 page paper in 2 hours.  I am not sure how I managed to hold it together for Lily and pump all day and night for Preston while he lay helpless in the NICU.  I am not sure how I was even able to concentrate enough to drive because I was sleep deprived from sitting up all night with Preston and hanging out with Lily during the day.  Yet, that all too well known phrase, "God never gives you more than you can handle" was screaming in my ear if I ever questioned why this happened to us.  Preston is a fighter and came home after 16 days in the NICU.  I can tell you that 16 days doesn't really sound like a very long time...but it feels like forever when you sweet little boy is laying helpless and fighting off a virus in the intensive care unit. 

Preston was born on Novemer 13, 2011 weighing in at 5 pounds and 15 ounces.  He was in such distress that he had a bowel movement while in utero and was swimming in his meconium.  When he was born he was stained from head to toe..he looked awful.  He was born with CMV, Pulmonary Hypertension, he had a thickened heart muscle, Pneumonia, and he had petechiae all over his body (busted blood vessels that look like a rash)

It is amazing that in 16 days this small miracle overcame all of these obstacles! Preston has amazed us all.  The CMV can possibly create vision, hearing or development issues as he gets older.  As of now he has passed his hearing test, his Brain Ultrasound came back normal, and the Optometrist said that he does not have any signs of CMV Retinitis which is great! The Cardiologist said that his heart muscle has decreased in size and that the Pulmonary Hypertension is completely gone! He suspects that the heart muscle will be completely normal by the time Preston is 6 months old! I know that God listed to all of our prayers and I thank you all for praying for our family! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just in Time....

It is funny how things happen to you that you never expect would happen......

My entire pregnancy was pretty textbook.  I complained about the discomforts of pregnancy....this second go around was a lot more uncomfortable than my first.  I had the heartburn, pregnancy induced carpal tunnel, swelling, had to go twice for the 3 hour gestational diabetes testing (only for them to come back negative), and the basic pregnancy complaints.  Yet, overall my pregnancy was textbook.  I didn't have any scary ultrasounds and I never came down with the flu or had any scares.  I never even worried about the delivery.  I mean....if your first delivery was pretty perfect....why would you think that the second one would be any different?  Everyone would say...the second one comes faster! Make sure and get to the hospital in time! Lily pretty much flew out and I did not feel a thing! Lily says it best...."Baby Preston's gonna POP out".  So, when I started to lose my mucus plug on Thursday November 10th, 2011 .....I figured I would deliver Preston by the next day.  Remember, that is what happened with Lily...and second pregnancies are always faster and easier...right?!  I went to my doctor's visit at 2:40 and everything looked good.  I was measuring right, heartbeat was good, and I was 2cm and 50% effaced. The doctor asked me about his movement and I said that it had decreased and she told me to pay attention to it....he should move at least once an hour.  He is getting cramped at this point but I should at least feel a few jabs from him.  

 Note: This is where things are starting to look NOTHING like Lily.  I never dilated or effaced early with Lily.  I just went into labor and went from 0 to 10 within a day of labor pains.  

On Friday my mom and I walked the mall with Lily and Cody.  It was Veteran's Day and we thought we could snag up some clearance deals (we are some thrifty women!).  When I got home my mucus plug started to come out more and I was excited! It would only be a matter of hours and I would be in agonizing pain and meeting my sweet boy! Well, that was not the case.  Just more discharge, blood and some cramps.  That night I started to have contractions but they were too far apart.  And, if you have ever had a kid don't want to go in to the hospital and be sent home.  You know that you are supposed to wait till you can't talk/walk through the contractions and they are 5 min apart.  So, I waited...and waited....and paced the floor.  I finally fell asleep and woke back up with more discharge.....but as far as contractions....only every 20 minutes and I could walk.  So....I keep convincing myself that it's going to happen soon! I call my mom to get Lily so I can go walk the baby out.  B and I go shopping so we can walk and maybe speed up the process.  Not really helping.  I get home and play outside with Lily and then I start to feel very annoyed.  I am not sure if it was the hopes of meeting Preston or maybe it was that I was tired.  Either way....I took Lily to her Grandma Puddin' and I went home and showered.  And GUESS WHAT?! Yep, contractions.  6-7 minutes apart and hurting enough to stop me in my tracks and shut me up! We put the stuff in the car and head to Petco....weird right? Oh yes....this crazy mommy had promised Lily that Preston was going to get her a fish...well, we had not bought one! So, we were going to get the fish and if the contractions were still as strong we would head to the hospital.  We get the fish and the contractions go away.  What the hell?

I go home and do homework while Brandon puts together Lily's fish tank from Preston.  No contractions.  

So, I start to type in phrases on google:

"mucus plug + spotting + 38 weeks"
"fetal movement + 38 weeks"
(you get the idea)

Well, of course when you attempt to use Google as a research portal  most of the information you get includes Discussion Forums.  I read a few and I feel slightly okay with the happenings.  Your plug can fall out weeks before, light spotting is normal, and the baby is getting large and cramped. The key phrase that stood out was, "it is better to be safe than sorry". I researched possibly reasons of bleeding and some of the results were terrifying!  I went to bed and I waited to feel him move.  He moved a little but it was not strong.  I had contractions on and off all night and would wake with concern.  I decided that it is better to call and be safe.  So, I called the call service for my office (remember, it's 7 am on a Sunday) and when they answered...I hung up.  All I could think is that we are going to go and we are going to get sent home and then I would feel stupid.  But, I thought about Preston and was worried about his movements and how I had been contracting for 31 hours.  I called and the midwife called me back.  I explained everything and she said to come in because we were better safe than sorry!  So, we got in the car and headed to the hospital.

When we got there I was not having any contractions.  The nurse hooked me up and checked me.  I was still only 2 cm dilated and she did not see any blood or discharge that was abnormal.  At this point I was sure that I was going home.  Then, Preston's heart rate dropped.  The nurse rolled me over.  It stabilized.  Then it dropped, again.  After a few times of this happening my doctor came in and decided that she was inducing me.  After a few hours of contractions and Preston's heart rate decelerating he finally stabilized.  She broke my water, and attached a heart monitor to his head and inserted an amnio fusion (which is basically a small hose inserted into the cervix and flushes out the uterus and comes back out of the vagina.  She cleared me to get an epidural which interestingly enough allowed me to relax and in turn allowed Preston to relax.  His heart rate never dropped after that point.

I felt intense pressure after she told me I was 7 cm....she checked me again and I was 9cm.  I felt pressure like I had never felt before.  I looked at my doctor and I said...."I am NOT supposed to be feeling all of this"!!! She smiled at me and said "PUSH".  At this point I had to concentrate.  It hurt like hell but I had heard the doctor call in reinforcements and I was concerned.  I gave it my all and within 10 minutes Preston was out.  I felt the biggest relief in the history of my body! I NEVER felt any of that with Lily! I look down at Preston and he is covered from head to toe in meconium.  He was stained from the meconium in his amniotic fluid.  Brandon was not even able to cut the cord.  They rushed him over to the incubator and then rushed him out to the NICU.  When they opened the door I saw my mom holding Lily and Brandon's parents and I realized that I just gave birth and I was not going to be able to hold my baby.....I instantly shut down emotionally.

Now, as scary as it is to have your baby rushed away...I must be appreciative of the fact that he is alive.  The doctor gave me a hug when everyone was out to see if they could see the baby in the NICU....and she told me that she is glad that I called....because I called, "JUST IN TIME".

Sweet Preston was in distress and he may not have made it another day.  I am very grateful for the power of intuition, motherly instincts, and my midwife!

As of today, November 15th, 2011, Preston has shown improvements and is working on being weaned from the ventilator.  I will write more about his issues and treatments in the future.

Thank you for all of your prayers! We love you

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Little Man's Nursery in the Making.....

This has been a very trying time in my life! I am a control freak! I want things done when I want them done...but as you all know...Brandon has his own timeline and has caused me to wait till the very last minuted to get things done! Luckily, the room is finally painted (Valspar Eggshell Finish in Dark Green 4) and the crib and changing table are together.  Grandpa Wayne is also on his own timeline and is still waiting on finding us the dresser that he feels is good enough for little's been a waiting game for the Nesting Mommy and is driving me INSANE! But, life goes one! So, here is what we have so far....the finishing touches are still under way but I thought you may want a glimpse!  I wish you all lived close.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Maternity Pictures

I am so excited about my Maternity Pictures! I am going to share a few of the ones that she edited.  She gave us all of the copies and there are so many that there is no way that I could post them all.                                                 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nesting Nonsense

Well, let me take this time to complain! :) I am "nesting" ...well...atleast my mind is. I am having a hard time actually doing anything because I do not have a room for the baby yet! So, I am freaking out and being a completely stressed anxious human! I can't sit down without engaging my have blogged, I have folded laundry, I have taken out the trash, I have fb'ed, and now I am sitting her trying to be "creative"...but my drawing abilitites are pretty kindegarten. So, writing is what shall happen. I wrote my baby boy a letter. I explained to him that I was anxious and that I can't wait to meet him! I also let him know that his sister is practicing with her dolls! She is going to love him and torture him! :) so, in the process I started thinking of "cliche'" sayings bc I am not very original...and I thought about "love at first sight" and then it dawned on me...I know what it is about! So, her is my bright moment of the evening!!! :) haha

I believe that, "Love at first sight" was not created for romantic encounters...but for a deeper emotional event...."Love at first sight" is the only description possible when you see your child for the first time. It is a love that is pure, deep, and true. I love my sweet Lily and I love this baby boy who has kicked me all night!

So, there it is! My thoughts. Do I feel better now? Not really! But, atleast I wasn't trying to "nest" in a house that has no room for a baby! :)

Mommy's Little Girl....

In these last few months it has dawned on me....Lily will have to share mommy from here on out!  Today we registered for the baby at Babies R Us.  I included Lily and let her help in picking things out.  She was very helpful and she picked out the babies blanket and some of his bibs! After, we had a lunch date and shared dessert.  She was such a wonderful date! The plan is to do this as often as possible after the baby comes so that she knows she is still VERY special to mommy...even though the baby will take a lot of mommy's attention! Lily is starting to be very photogenic and she is starting to become very aware that she is "cute" and that she needs to take a picture! I am in trouble..I created a monster! For Christmas...or maybe as a "baby gift" ...I want to get her a kids camera so she can take pictures of her brother and of her family.  Hopefully, it will make her feel more involved! Below are some "Mommy take a picture" moments!