Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nesting Nonsense

Well, let me take this time to complain! :) I am "nesting" ...well...atleast my mind is. I am having a hard time actually doing anything because I do not have a room for the baby yet! So, I am freaking out and being a completely stressed anxious human! I can't sit down without engaging my have blogged, I have folded laundry, I have taken out the trash, I have fb'ed, and now I am sitting her trying to be "creative"...but my drawing abilitites are pretty kindegarten. So, writing is what shall happen. I wrote my baby boy a letter. I explained to him that I was anxious and that I can't wait to meet him! I also let him know that his sister is practicing with her dolls! She is going to love him and torture him! :) so, in the process I started thinking of "cliche'" sayings bc I am not very original...and I thought about "love at first sight" and then it dawned on me...I know what it is about! So, her is my bright moment of the evening!!! :) haha

I believe that, "Love at first sight" was not created for romantic encounters...but for a deeper emotional event...."Love at first sight" is the only description possible when you see your child for the first time. It is a love that is pure, deep, and true. I love my sweet Lily and I love this baby boy who has kicked me all night!

So, there it is! My thoughts. Do I feel better now? Not really! But, atleast I wasn't trying to "nest" in a house that has no room for a baby! :)

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