Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nesting Nonsense

Well, let me take this time to complain! :) I am "nesting" ...well...atleast my mind is. I am having a hard time actually doing anything because I do not have a room for the baby yet! So, I am freaking out and being a completely stressed anxious human! I can't sit down without engaging my have blogged, I have folded laundry, I have taken out the trash, I have fb'ed, and now I am sitting her trying to be "creative"...but my drawing abilitites are pretty kindegarten. So, writing is what shall happen. I wrote my baby boy a letter. I explained to him that I was anxious and that I can't wait to meet him! I also let him know that his sister is practicing with her dolls! She is going to love him and torture him! :) so, in the process I started thinking of "cliche'" sayings bc I am not very original...and I thought about "love at first sight" and then it dawned on me...I know what it is about! So, her is my bright moment of the evening!!! :) haha

I believe that, "Love at first sight" was not created for romantic encounters...but for a deeper emotional event...."Love at first sight" is the only description possible when you see your child for the first time. It is a love that is pure, deep, and true. I love my sweet Lily and I love this baby boy who has kicked me all night!

So, there it is! My thoughts. Do I feel better now? Not really! But, atleast I wasn't trying to "nest" in a house that has no room for a baby! :)

Mommy's Little Girl....

In these last few months it has dawned on me....Lily will have to share mommy from here on out!  Today we registered for the baby at Babies R Us.  I included Lily and let her help in picking things out.  She was very helpful and she picked out the babies blanket and some of his bibs! After, we had a lunch date and shared dessert.  She was such a wonderful date! The plan is to do this as often as possible after the baby comes so that she knows she is still VERY special to mommy...even though the baby will take a lot of mommy's attention! Lily is starting to be very photogenic and she is starting to become very aware that she is "cute" and that she needs to take a picture! I am in trouble..I created a monster! For Christmas...or maybe as a "baby gift" ...I want to get her a kids camera so she can take pictures of her brother and of her family.  Hopefully, it will make her feel more involved! Below are some "Mommy take a picture" moments!

Where's the rain?

Lily is really starting to show her personality...she has started to let me know what she likes and what she prefers not to wear.  One of her favorite things to wear: rain boots! Well, it is 99 degrees outside and there is barely enough rain to make a puddle! But, that does not matter to my very independent and outgoing Lily.  She will wear them all day if I would let her.  Below are some photos I captured of her playing "mommy" with her baby in her rain boots! I love these moments....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Baby Fever

"Mommy, I'm ready to my baby"

"Sit right here baby.....and mommy will sit next to you"
Baby Doll Fever!

     Lily reads to her baby, shares her drinks and snacks with her baby, gives her baby imaginary medicine, puts band-aids on her name it....that baby has experienced it! My favorite is..."Mommy, I need to change baby's diaper....she pooped.....I need a wipe....that's yuck"

I hope that this is an introduction to how wonderful she will be with her baby brother.  I won't hold my breathe.  I know that we are going to experience jealousy and regression. I am prepared for it....I just hope that my patience isn't worn too thin.  I don't ever want Lily to feel pushed to the side because of the new baby.  I plan on having "Lily dates" weekly and I am going to involve her in every aspect! 

Baby Boy Belly

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Learning Center

Lily's Learning Center!

I am working on Lily's shapes, colors, alphabet, numbers and object recognition.  The ONLY way to do this is to make it FUN for Lily! The plan is to rotate the shape, color, number and alphabet weekly.  Each day we work in her "learning center". <----(It's just an old board I had!)

This week:

Shape: Circle
Color: PINK
Number: 2
Letter: A

Lily has really enjoyed this and I hope that I can keep up with it!  It is something that we do together and I enjoy watching her learn!

A work in progress!

The plan is to fill the empty spaces with "objects" that she will be learning....


Ella Robin's 1st Birthday party!


Our wonderful friends Jennifer and Wes celebrated their daughter's first birthday this past Saturday at the same park that Lily had her 2nd birthday party. 

Lily was getting a drink of water! It was very hot and humid! We were all sweating!

All of the kids playing!

The gifts for the birthday girl!

Lily loves her water!

Opening presents!

Ella's cake!


Happy 1st Birthday sweet girl! We love you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Dancing Face!

Today was by far one of the most entertaining days I have ever experienced with Lily. Her personality really shines through! She asked to listen to music and when we turned it on it was Black Eyed of her favorites! She was so cute that she even got B to dance! She does this "dancing face" like mommy and it is priceless! She learned to do it by watching my in the vanity mirror in the car! I pucker up my lips and throw my hand up...classic white girl move! :) We captured her on video and it is the cutest thing ever! She was also very fond of walking around in her panties and rainboots while play with play-doh today! She was just so helpful and fun today! I love it! I am grateful for the extra time that I have with her lately!!